2013Arlene Francis Center, Santa Rosa Ca. solo show, Electric Land Lady on display.
2013-2012Ell Lui Salon, Santa Rosa, paintings and drawings, solo show.
Paintings, Ace In the Hole, rotating display.
2013-2010Santa Rosa Community Acupuncture. Buffalo Painting in permanent collection, ongoing art rotation.
2013-2009Natasha Zola Jewelry- Blue Sky Gallery, Willits Ca. Ongoing.
2013-2008Aubergine, Sebastopol Ca., Group shows.
2013-2006Mendocino Jewelry Studio, Mendocino, Ca. Paintings, Solo Show. Ongoing, Natasha Zola jewelry.
Natasha Zola Jewelry, Milk and Honey, Sebastopol, CA.
2012Love Notes- group show, North Coast Artists, Fort Bragg, Ca.
2009Friends- Group show. North Coast Artists, Fort Bragg Ca.
2008Treasures- North Coast Artists, Fort Bragg, Ca. family show with jewelry by Victoria Bard Kraus, paintings by Paul Kraus and Kat Kraus.
Beneath The Veil. Four visionary women artists. Ace in the Hole, Sebastapol, Ca.
The Gallery artist collective. Monte Rio, Ca. Paingings and jewelry.
River Images. Paintings, Group show. Guerneville Ca.
2007Harmony Festival. Santa Rosa, Ca. Exhibition Earthdance dome, Waterfall, garden, james commissions. Goddess Grove stage backdrop painting.
2005Cosas Finas - Peguche, Ecuador. Installation, Love Conquers Fear. Guest artist in group show, young indigenous artists collective.
Plaza Arts- Healdsburg, California. Group shows, Local Color, and Textures.
2004Girls, Girls, Girls- North Coast Artists, Fort Bragg, Ca. Young women artists from Mendocino county.
2003New Abstracts- The Hartington, Brighton England.
Magpie Festival- Brighton England. Found object art and recycled assemblage alters.
20029/11- Mendocino Art Center, California.
2001Life after Death - Charles Stevenson Studios, Mendocino, Ca. Assemblage.
Friends- North Coast Artists, Fort Bragg, Ca.
2000Friends- North Coast Artists, Fort Bragg, Ca.
Four Generations- Wilkes Bashford, Mendocino.
1999Electric Land Lady- Walcot Chapel, Bath, England. Painting Exhibition.
Lost Forest - The Bath Fringe Festival. Web Of Life Installation.
1998Redwood Spiral- Environmental art installation. Mendocino National Forest.
1997Road of Shoes- The Autonomous Mutant Festival. Eugene Oregon. Installation and performance art.
1996New Talents - The Mendocino Art Center.
1995Encaustics - Live Soup, Santa Cruz, Ca. Solo painting show. Live Soup, Santa Cruz, Ca.